Monday, June 4, 2007

Make your way to fame through VBlog

Instead of plain writing and designing of website, people now fully utilizes Vblog. Vblog, also know as Video blogging has turn a students into a famous character. Best examples are The Dormitory Boys and a famous clip from Hong Kong "Uncle Bus" .

The article, ‘The YouTube in you’ explains how the internet users create fame by using video blogging. Through video blogging, everyone can now be a filmmaker as all they need is a cameraphone, cameras with video functions, software for film editing and an internet connection. Besides students, aspiring filmmaker, Tan Kok Meng too uses vblog to communicate with his friend. Video blogging is also a tool where users upload movies and etc for the people around the world to watch. However, this also leads to copyrights issues.

To me, VBlog is a useful tool for users to express their creativeness in creating their video. VBlog filmmaker may be as famous as movie filmmaker as no one knows what the world will be like in 10 years. If there wasn’t an issue about copyrights, a movie can expand its popularity as bloggers post the particular movie online. Remember, internet is what we call “globalization”.

Well said, the user is the one who made the internet alive so as YouTube. As sociologist Ruth Finnegan says, 'the medium in itself cannot give rise to social consequences - it must be used' (Chandler, 2000)

A clip made by The Domitory boy:

Reference List:

2007, The YouTube In You [Online, accessed 4 June 2007].

Chandler, D. 2000, Technological or Media Determinism [Online, accessed 4 June 2007].

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