Saturday, June 2, 2007

Power of blogosphere

So, in the previous post I've blog about how some Malaysia Ministers criticize the bloggers and disagree with blogging. Hence, the bloggers in Malaysia has taken action to protect their rights.

The bloggers in Malaysia have formed an organisation to protect their rights. According to ex-journalist, Ahirudin Attan, All-Blogs (the National Alliance of Bloggers of Malaysia) was formed “to promote blogging and protect bloggers”. Ahirudin and his assistant of alliance,
Jeff Ooi, are famous Malaysia political blogger who were sued by the government-linked New Straits Times newspaper for defamatory posting. Overall, the aim of the body is not set up to gatekeep the bloggers. According to Ahirudin, “All blogs will educate the bloggers on basic journalism ethics and writing skills on defamation and sedition laws, on fabrication and plagiarism, and to raise the quality of blogs content and limit ‘wild info’ on the blogs.” (Valin 2007)

Standing on the view of blogger, the blogophere is essential not only to share interest among each others, to protect the freedom to blog and to represent the power of blogging. Take the movie Harry Potter for example,
Warner Bros have set up an online community for the fans to interact with each other.

'Social semiotics can be though of as indicating a general ideology or intellectual stance a conceptual angle on the subject'. (Halliday & Hasan 1985, p. 3) Hence, through the context of situation, the blogopshere uses the same term among each other. The t
echnology terms used by blogosphere may be iterable (Schirato & Yell 1996) among themselves but non-blogosphere may not understand those terms. Therefore, it is important that the group of people share the same context of culture and interest.

Additional link:
An Anti Comic Sans font website
Harry Potter Fans Community

Reference List:

Halliday, M.A.K. & Hasan, R. 1985, ‘Chapter 1: Context of situation in Language, context, and text: aspects of language in a social-semiotic perspective’ , Deakin University, Vic, pp.3 -14
Harry Potter Dialogue Centre 2007 [Online, accessed 4 June 2007]

Schirato, T. & Yell, S. 1996, ‘Chapter 5: Framing contexts’, Communication and Cultural Literacy: An Introduction, Allen and Unwin, St. Leonards, N.S.W.

Valin 2007, Malaysia: Bloggers Organise Themselves to Protect Their Interest [Online, accessed 4 June 2007]

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